• I did the backgrounds for an upcoming project at PICNIC

  • Here are some backgrounds I did recently for the sweet people from Picnic.

  • Here are some of the work I made on "The amazing wold of Gumball" season 3.
    For now, I can only show basic sets but there are loads of crazy things happening in that new season.
    The scale was epic :)

    Hover the mouse on the picture to see the Before and After state, and click on it for High Res.

  • Recently, I was ask to design a cool project for Nomint.
    It was fun and quick :)

    Be sure to check their work here:

  • I was lucky enough to be working for the TV show "The amazing world of Gumball", with a crew of crazy talented people, no time for being lazy.
    The background department is a mix of matte painting, 2D for the graphic elements and 3D.
    Here are the very first BG made more than a year ago.

    Put your mouse over the pictures to see the BEFORE / AFTER